Forefactor’s principals have almost four decades of combined experience.

Forefactor Inc. Launches New Subscription Credit System

In response to client demand, Forefactor Inc. is pleased to announce the introduction of a new and unique research services pricing model.  The new Forefactor Subscription Credit System (SCS) is a flexible pricing model giving clients the option of where and when they would like to spend their research dollars.  According to Forefactor President, Renée Colyer, “Our intention is to create a menu-driven, easy payment opportunity for our research-focused clients.  The Subscription Credit System can be set up as a line item in their budgets from which they can buy or commission reports, when they need them, and often for a premium price.”

Reflecting common accounts payable practices in the financial services sector, this new service will allow participating firms to place an agreed upon sum in trust with Forefactor for use towards purchasing research reports of particular interest.  Forefactor will allow these funds to carry over fiscal years depending on each individual client’s need for research support – the service is entirely flexible.  Buy-side clients may allocate funds through commission sharing agreements (CSAs) while other firms may make use of other direct payment options.

Ms. Colyer added that “Forefactor understands that clients often need immediate access to time-sensitive research and insist on best value for their resources.  We hope this customized approach of pay-for-what-you-need from a pre-existing fund can facilitate transactions in the current market and going forward.”

For more information about Forefactor`s Susbscription Credit System, please contact:

Renee Colyer

President & CEO

(416) 907-0431

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